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Building an Integrated Israel

Tiferes Yisroel Foundation

Our Mission

Guiding Light Through Darkness

The Tiferes Yisroel Foundation is dedicated to building an Integrated Israel with our uniquely modeled approach by bridging the gaps between our Education, Humanitarian and Social Service initiatives.

Scholarship Fund

The TY scholarship fund which gives grants to Students who would like to come study in Israel for a year in Israel and have a true meaningful and enriching Jewish experience and integrating into Israel and its society

Revitalizing Jewish Identity and Community

The Yeshivas Levi Yitzchak Smicha Program is a pioneering initiative launched by alumni of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel (YLTY) to strengthen Jewish life in Sydney. Through a unique blend of advanced Torah learning and hands-on engagement, these dedicated scholars collaborate with Jewish schools, synagogues, and community organizations to revitalize Jewish identity and pride.

Lamplighters: The Heart of Our Mission

The Lighthouse Initiative ensures that no family in our community goes hungry, providing nutritious meals, food packages, and sustainable solutions that restore dignity and stability.


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